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"Travel Missions Girl ✈️🌍👧 Adventurous and compassionate young woman on a global journey to bring hope and love to communities in need. #TravelMissionsGirl #CompassionateAdventure"
"Isaiah 6:8 📖🙏 Embracing the call to serve God with a willing heart and a readiness to follow His direction. #Isaiah6_8 #ServantsHeart"

TRIAD deploys its graduates among the hardest-to-reach places and people groups.

After completing our training steps – AWAKEN, EMPOWER, and EQUIP – graduates are eligible to be positioned on the frontlines of Kingdom advancement. TRIAD is a sending agency for its graduates into locations where Christ is not yet known. As field workers embrace adversity and overcome barriers as a lifestyle, TRIAD provides guidance, resources, and support. TRIAD deploys its workers to unengaged and unreached people groups so that Christ may be glorified among every tongue, tribe, people, and nation.

Our Focus

YemenStratus Index: 2BhutanStratus Index: 40SyriaStratus Index: 7LibyaStratus Index: 11IraqStratus Index: 8AfghanistanStratus Index: 1NepalStratus Index: 23North KoreaStratus Index: 21LaosStratus Index: 35IndiaStratus Index: 19SomaliaStratus Index: 3


The following FAQs apply to the DEPLOY program only.

What are the eligibility requirements to be deployed by TRIAD?

Deployment is based on the completion of TRIAD’s 9-month EQUIP training and is not guaranteed.

If I am deployed, will I be an employee of TRIAD?

Yes, you will be an employee of TRIAD.

Am I required to raise support?

Deployment candidates are required to be self-funding.

What if I can only serve for a short-term period? Are there any other options?

Deployment considerations only exist for long-term placement (5 years plus).

Do I choose where I am deployed?

Upon successful completion of training at The Outpost and if long-term deployment is recommended, decisions regarding place of deployment is at the discretion of TRIAD leadership in partnership with your local church.

What is the Role of the Sending Church in Deployment?

Every missionary should be sent, and this sending role belongs primarily to the local church. Based on biblical teaching, missionaries need the local church to:

  • Confirm their call before sending
  • Count the cost with them before deploying
  • Make sure they are qualified
  • Help to equip them for the task at hand
  • Pray for them and support them physically, spiritually, and financially

What if I don’t have a sending church?

Although we strongly recommend and desire for our career field missionaries to have a partnering sending church, we also recognize that there are special circumstances and unique situations that may prevent a church body from being your ‘sending’ church. As such, we evaluate each situation on a case-by-case basis.

What benefits exist for deployed individuals?

Mentorship and coaching, member care, training, home assignments, rest and refreshing at The Outpost, sabbatical, administrative and operational support, and fundraising assistance.

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